Advice for New Maintenance Technicians

Advice for New Maintenance Technicians

Advice for New Maintenance Technicians

So, you just got bumped up from porter to maintenance technician. Or, you just scored a new job as a maintenance technician. First of all, congratulations! Now, lets make sure you start off on the right foot so that you don’t annoy the hardened maintenance techs around you. 

There are only a few things you need to do to make it in the property management business. I keep it very simple. However, if you violate these simple rules you run the risk of getting banished from the industry forever. The property management business is a small world and we all know each other. Once you get black balled, your only option to get back in is to move to another town and hope your name didn’t travel there.

Lets get started!


#5 – Bring Some Tools

You would think that this should never have to be said. However, after being in the property management business for 17 years I’ve seen lots of new maintenance technicians show up to their handyman job with no tools. Hello! You’re here to fix things and you don’t even show up on your first day with a hammer and screwdriver! Constantly asking to borrow tools is very annoying to experienced maintenance technicians. So, now you know. Don’t make this critical mistake and be sure to show up with some basic tools. Here’s a tool link if you need ideas.

#4 – Watch YouTube Videos to Get Better Faster

To this very day I watch at least 2 repair videos every night before bed. This is a habit I’ve had for years. Becoming a sponge will help you rise through the ranks, FAST! Every day is a school day in this business and you have to constantly be learning. The best videos to watch are videos about things you would like to get better at. But, since you’re new you’ll need to watch all kinds of repair videos. Start simple though. There’s no need to jump into HVAC videos just yet. Start with door knobs, ceiling fans, garbage disposals, and changing out light switches and wall outlets. I have a YouTube channel that’s geared towards training maintenance technicians. Click this link and it will take you there.



#3 – Be Quiet

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never learned anything while talking. I’m pretty sure you haven’t either. The best way to get on an old veteran maintenance tech’s good side is to stand there and be quiet. Just watch and be a sponge. If you do talk, make sure it’s only a question about what he’s doing. No one cares that you had a fantastic hotdog from a gas station in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Or, that your uncle can’t eat green m&m’s and wear blue jeans while watching the Atlanta Braves. Why are you talking about that while someone is showing you how to do something that you have no idea how to do?! Watch, be quiet and learn.


#2 – Ask If There’s Something Else You Can Do

So, you’ve just completed your list of tasks and there’s still 3 hours of the work day left. Time to go hide or sit and chill, right? Wrong! You’re a newbie. A rookie. You haven’t earned your “chill time”, yet. I’ve seen so many new maintenance technicians get let go after only 3 weeks because they were caught napping in a vacant. Or, sleeping in their truck as the property manager walked by! Once you’re finished with whatever tasks you were given, go ask for more. You have no idea how much respect you’ll get if you do that. The veterans won’t show it. But believe me, it’s very exciting to veteran maintenance techs to watch a go-getter who cares. Then, they will invite you to their “chill spot”.

#1 – Attitude

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this post, it would be this. Attitude is the most important thing in everything you do in life. The saying, “Your attitude determines your altitude” is the truest cliche saying. I’ll take a maintenance technician who knows very little but comes in every morning with a terrific attitude over a grumpy know-it-all with a bad attitude who can fix everything. Everyone loves a cheerful person with a good attitude.

The hardest part is after the honeymoon stage is over. It’s easy to keep a good attitude when everything is new. But, what about when you’re 9 months in and a few needy residents are driving you crazy? Get you some sayings for when you feel your attitude slipping. For example, when I feel my attitude slipping I say to myself, ” No tantrum is worth a body full of peace and energy.” Or, “If I let people control my emotions that means they’re controlling me. Therefore, I will let no one steal my joy today.” Google “attitude” for some great sayings to keep you on track.

So your life isn’t turning out like you thought it would. Or, you’ve had a bad day. Is coming into the office and being a butt to the property manager going to fix it? Nope. People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. It takes courage to be happy. Being a grump is easy and attention seeking. So, you might as well have a good attitude. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.


So there you have it. Just 5 simple things to jump start your new career in the property management industry. If you heed my advice and do your best not to violate these 5 simple rules, you’re going to be just fine. I promise!



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Maintenance Technician Advice Video