Test Your Maintenance Knowledge With a Quiz for Maintenance Technicians

Test Your Maintenance Knowledge With a Quiz for Maintenance Technicians

Test Your Maintenance Knowledge With a Quiz for Maintenance Technicians


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Created on By Lex Vance

Test Your Maintenance Knowledge With This Quiz for Maintenance Technicians

Do you even maintenance, bro? Test your maintenance tech knowledge with this quiz.

1 / 20

On a new HVAC system, what wires are usually separated by the float switch?

2 / 20

If you see a TXV inside an air handler, what temperature readings on the gauges are used to correctly charge that AC unit?

3 / 20

Are property managers who claim they're on call 24/7/365 actually on call if they don't have to put on work clothes and leave their house?

4 / 20

What can clog on a washing machine & cause it to overflow when water is being added?

5 / 20

What switch can go bad on an electric dryer causing it to only run when you hold the start button down and shut off when you let it go?

6 / 20

In a dishwasher, what can become clogged with small pieces of food and debris, which can lead to poor dish washing results if not maintained properly.

7 / 20

Is it appropriate for maintenance techs to wear Jorts during warm weather?

8 / 20

How many pizza parties will restore team morale once it's gone?

9 / 20

What part in a toilet tank provides fresh water to the tank after flushing?

10 / 20

Are the low 24 volts on an AC contactor on the side terminals or the top and bottom terminals?

11 / 20

If the breaker for a water heater periodically keeps tripping, what's the most common issue?

12 / 20

How long should it take to turn a vacant apartment?

13 / 20

When a dryer works but is taking too long to dry clothes, what should be the first move?

14 / 20

If you see a piston inside an air handler, what temperature reading on the gauges should you use to correctly charge that AC unit with refrigerant?

15 / 20

If there's 500 units in a complex, how many maintenance techs should be working there?

16 / 20

How does a heat pump HVAC unit heat an apartment?

17 / 20

What is the ideal range for PH in a swimming pool according to the CDC?

18 / 20

What raises the PH in a swimming pool?

19 / 20

If a stove eye burner gets extremely hot & glows orange while on the lowest setting, what should be replaced?

20 / 20

If you order parts from HD Supply, when can you expect your delivery?

Your score is

The average score is 71%







Click HERE for FREE online training videos for maintenance technicians who work in property management.

11 thoughts on “Test Your Maintenance Knowledge With a Quiz for Maintenance Technicians

  1. Galo Saladin

    Looks like I made your test my bitch. Lol jk I wish I was smarter to be anything more than a Maintenance tech lol. I was lucky to get out before COVID only to be put back in by the grace of God. Doing Temp work with BG staffing ATM here in good ole SC. Constantly working for supervisor’s who don’t know how to work on HVAC units, I keep getting turned down for a full time position because they refuse to pay me 25 for a tech however they keep saying nobody wants to work.

  2. James

    Only got a 65, but having started 6 months ago at a hospital with seperate hvac and boiler room guys, I feel like I did okay. But I’d still love some directed training instead of all the on the job training I’ve got so far. Especially when on the job I may be trained 3 different ways to do something, and then 2 days later learn that all of those methods were wrong.

  3. Anthony Hall

    Brosive I scored a 90% i don’t think you realize that you are a big part of why me and tribe eats I’ve been watching you for the last 5 years and you have gotten me through alot of tough times you’ve taught me alot of thing the older white guys would want to tech a young Black guy I know color shouldn’t have anything to do with teaching someone but where I from it still matter I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU LEX from the bottom of my heart let’s continue to save the world one work order at a time

  4. R

    Just over 50% 😳 all the HVAC stuff definitely threw me for a spin, I need to get more familiar with that